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What do Service Providers need to Ensure a Fail-Proof 5G Ecosystem?

By NIIT Editorial

Published on 24/11/2020

6 minutes

A digitalized economy, where the touchpoints for user interaction are minimal stands on a brittle footing of consumer trust. It’s only natural, the more trust a user places in a particular brand the more they are likely to buy from them. The fact that digital service providers want to cash-in on this sentiment and invest judiciously in cloud-based security layers is, therefore, understandable.

Network Slicing offers a wondrous opportunity to managed service businesses to multiply their product catalogue and serve a cross-industry clientele. The opportunity to make money off it would arise when such a service offers customizable security levels mapped to the expectations of the enterprise customer and the scope of work of the network slice. For instance, a network slice dedicated to a gaming vendor would be much less demanding than a slice dedicated to healthcare services.

Four Non-Avoidable Essentials for 5G Security

Communication service providers (CSPs) need to revisit their approach for scaling 5G operations. There are predominantly 4 areas that demand special attention from so CSPs can vow their customers. These are adaptability, integration, automation, and rapid response.


The first pre-condition for 5G security networks to be successful is to be adaptable. Virtually, there is no limit to the extent that malevolent actors could alter their techniques to hack into a system. CSPs are a soft target for hackers. As a result, online defences should be robust enough to shrug everyday threats at the same time having the potential to adjust in real-time to sophisticated attacks.


There should be advanced alert mechanisms to notify administrators of potential threats. Seamless interconnectivity amongst multiple cyber tools ensures a multi-layered safety net that prevents online breaches and data leaks. Hackers are known to cover up their tracks under the disguise of seemingly innocuous attacks so that attention can be diverted from the really big ones. Centralizing the cyber software needs not only provides for a panoramic status of online affairs but allows defence mechanisms to be activated given an anomalous activity.


An unfortunate fact that rogue actors abuse to the fullest is that 33% of the incident turn-around time is consumed by manual procedures. Imagine if this could be mitigated to zilch vis-à-vis automation. Considering the attention to detail that 5G network slices demand, there is only one way to integrate and perpetuate a self-preserving cyberinfrastructure, automation.

Rapid Response

The adage faster is better applies equally to securing 5G operations. As pointed previously, hackers employ several distraction techniques to work undetected. And by the time their presence is clear, it is often, too little too late. With the efficient use of machine learning to automate decisions, and running cyber self-improvement programs with analytical insights the cycle from threat detection to action could be cut-down by 80%.

Now and then, CSPs will face new threats, the likes of which are unprecedented. But if they combine the aforementioned capabilities chances of disaster management, or better, prevention is exponentially higher than otherwise.

5G rollouts will ensue as per their pre-set timelines. But that shouldn’t stop CSPs to postpone their preparation against online threats. An informed workforce is a better-equipped workforce. The Nokia Bell Labs E2E 5G Certification, in association with NIIT, is designed to prep professionals with the fundamental domains governing 5G namely:

  • Networking
  • Network Slicing
  • Distributed Cloud
  • Cyber Security
  • Automation

Check your eligibility for enrolment and time your career-launch into 5G, before everyone else jumps onto the bandwagon.


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