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The Chiphen Rigpel Project was conceived to aid the Kingdom of Bhutan in achieving its vision of transforming itself into a Knowledge based Society, with employment and advancement of opportunities in the knowledge sector and skilling of population that is fully equipped to take advantage of these opportunities. The project was designed to create a large impact by directly touching more than 50% of the population of Kingdom of Bhutan in a short span of five (5) years. The encompassing Project is designed to train or educate or introduce to education all strata of the Bhutanese people.



Various Components of the Chiphen Rigpel Project

1. Ministers, administrators and government employees who make and implement education and related policies, are benefitting through the Enabling e-Governance Project.

2. Teachers, who are the backbone of the education system and play a key role in building the knowledge capability of Bhutan are being trained through the Empowering the Teachers Project.

3. Youth and tertiary students, who are at the brink of entering the job market and professionals in the labor market who wish to improve their skills, are getting aided through the Employable Education for a Knowledge Based Society Project, Tertiary Institutes Go High Tech Project and The Mass IT Literacy Project.

     a. Entrepreneurs, change agents or public leaders who may have a stake in preserving Bhutan’s ecological heritage and balance are being provided special training for the identification of e-waste from IT hardware and management of e-waste generated from the Chiphen Rigpel Project.

4. School students and teachers in government schools are benefitting from the Taking ICT to Schools Project.

5. The drop outs or citizens who have not received formal education are being brought into the fold of the educational processes. Learning is being made more accessible to them through the Reaching the Unreached Project and IT literacy for vulnerable youth initiative.



Project Glimpses

Prime Ministers of India and Bhutan at the Launch of Project Chiphen Rigpel along with Rajendra Pawar, Chairman of NIIT Ltd.


The NIIT team with the Prime Minister and his entire cabinet after the successful completion of the training.