Self-paced learning
Create your own database using MySQL Workbench
Learn the fundamentals of SQL and MySQL
Understand what are database and why they are used
Learn to manage database and manipulate data
SQL Fundamentals, Components of MySQL, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language and more
Useful in multiple professional roles including Full-Stack Development, Data Science and more
This program is open to all who have an interest in data and data management
Introduction & Course Outline
What is Data?
Types of Data
What is Database and its types
Relational Database
NoSQL DataBase
What is SQL?
Different Platfroms of SQL
What is MySQL?
Components of MySQL?
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Create Statement
Alter Statement
Rename Statement
Truncate Statement
Drop Statement
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Insert Statement
Select Statement
Update Statement
Delete Statement
Data Control Language (DCL) Revoke Statement
Grant Statement
Revoke Statement
Transaction Control Language (TCL)
Commit Statement
Savepoint Statement
Rollback Statement
Types of Values
Null values
Maximum, Minimum and Average Values
Between Commands
Project Overview
MySQL: Installation and Set-up
Creating the Database and answering FAQs
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