Post Graduate Program IN Salesforcedevelopment (SFD)
Ver 2.0 - 04 May 2022
The following words and expressions shall, unlessthe context requires otherwise, have the following meanings as set out below:
Assessment - means various forms of tests that are conducted to evaluate the learningoutcomes for each Learner in the Program.
Attendance -means attending the Live Virtual connect sessions by a learner for asignificant part of the planned duration -.
Award/Title - is the certificate conferred to a Learner in the form of a digitallyverifiable document, upon successful completion of the Program and meeting allthe required prerequisites for conferring the same.
Batch - is launched to facilitate the execution of a Program. A Batch is identifiedwith its unique Batch Code, and its other attributes such as days and time ofexecution, start and projected end date. Candidates are allocated a batch, tolearn and complete the respective program.
Candidate -shall mean an individual meeting the Eligibility Criteria of the program.
CareerGuidance – shall mean the Candidates are provided support in creating theironline portfolio, LinkedIn profiling and soft skill workshop.
Certificate is the digitally verifiable document issued to the Learner upon completing theProgram and meeting the required prerequisites as applicable for completion ofthe said Program.
Credential -shall include all the documents certifying the age, address, degree certificateetc. obtained by the Candidate. The Candidate shall be required to produce theoriginal of the Credentials if required by NIIT or the Prospective Employer.
EligibilityCriteria - shall mean the eligibility criteria that the Candidate must meetbefore he/she applies for the program
Learner - shall mean the Candidate who has taken admission in the said program at NIITas per the admission criteria and evaluation process.
LearningPortal - Learners will be able to access the needful resources at the LearningPortal or Learning Management System (LMS) after enrollment. Learner s accessto the Learning Portal will be governed by the terms and conditions, which areavailable on the Portal.
NIIT – shall mean NIIT Ltd, having its registered office at PlotNo. 85, Sector, Institutional Area, Gurugram (Haryana) India
NIRF – National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education, Govt. ofIndia releases the National ranking of Engineering Colleges every year. Referto the latest ranking list on the NIRF website using this link https://www.nirfindia.org/2021/EngineeringRanking.html
OfferLetter - shall mean a letter issued by a Prospective Employer offering gainful engagement/employmentto the Learner to join their organization from a particular date and for aparticular position.
PaymentOption – shall mean any of the opted Payment plans as mentioned on the programpage of the NIIT website.
Placement -shall mean the offer of engagement/employment from a Prospective Employer byissuing an Offer Letter.
PlacementAssurance - shall mean the guarantee of Placement to the Candidate who has dulycomplied with the mentioned Terms Conditions.
Procedure -shall mean the procedure to be followed by the Candidate for his/her Placement.
Program -shall mean the program mentioned in the applicability section for which theLearner has taken admission at NIIT.
ProgramFee - shall mean the total fee for the program payable by the Learner for theservices opted with the program, including Admission, Tuition Fee, PlacementFee, and Funding Charges (if applicable). Applicable taxes to be paid on andabove the Program Fee.
ProspectiveEmployer - shall mean the third-party organization who may issue the OfferLetter to the Candidate for his/her Placement.
Salesforce – shall mean Salesforce.com Singapore Pte. Ltd., having its principal place of businessat 5 Temasek Boulevard, #13-01, Suntec Tower 5, Singapore 038985.
StackRoute – shall mean StackRoute (An NIIT initiative). StackRoute is a division of NIITthat runs programs to produce top-class full-stack engineers and techprofessionals with deep skills.
These Terms and Conditions (T C) shall apply tothe Learner of the Post Graduate Program in Salesforce Development(PGP SFD). The enrolled Learner is bound by the rules, regulations,timings, administrative procedures, and discipline requirements as applicableand must necessarily comply with the program guidelines.
The candidate needs to apply for the program byfilling out the online application form on www.niit.com/India. It is implied that the Candidate is fully awareof the eligibility requirements and program details mentioned on the websiteand then applying.
TheCandidate needs to submit/upload the scanned copies of the following documentsand produce the originals for verification when required.
1. Date of Birth:10th certificate/ Passport
2. AcademicPerformance: Mark Sheet and/or Certificates of Class 10th,12th, Graduation, Post-Graduation (If applicable)
3. Work experience(If applicable): Last salary slips, appointment letter relieving letter
4. Identity: PANCard
5. LatestPhotograph
In the event of non-submission and/or being unableto produce the originals and/or discrepancy in the documents/informationfurnished by the Candidate, the admission will be withheld/cancelled anytime atthe sole discretion of NIIT with no refund of the fee paid.
Selectionto the program is based on the performance in the Admission Test (which mayinclude Aptitude Test, Language Test, Programming Test and Personal Interview, asmentioned in the below table).
Candidates applying for theprogram should meet the below criteria.
Education Completed | Academic Performance (Aggregate %) | Age | Language Test (Versant) | Aptitude Test (Cocubes) | Programming Test | Personal Interview |
BCA, BSC (IT/CS) | ≥ 60% in X, XII Grad. | <25 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
BE/ BTech (Any Stream) | ≥ 50% in X, XII Grad. | <25 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
MCA, ME/MTech | ≥ 50% in X, XII, Grad. PG | <25 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
SelectedCandidates will receive the Admission Selection Letter by email, post whichthey would need to pay the applicable program fee on/or before the last datementioned in the letter.
Theadmission selection letter is not transferable and does not guarantee the seatunless the registration formalities are completed within the last datementioned in the letter or before the admissions are closed for the batchwhichever is earlier.
Theregistration is for a specific Program and for a specific batch with a defineddelivery schedule only. Therefore, the admission is valid for the specificprogram and batch, and the period. The candidate is expected to complete theprogram as per the batch schedule within this period.
Due to unavoidable reasons if the batch start dateis revised to a later date or advanced, the admission validity period will berevised accordingly. Candidates will be informed through email about the changein the batch start date. Any candidate having an objection to the revisedschedule may write to CustomerCareDigital@niit.com within 7 days or before the revised batchstart date whichever is earlier and discuss alternate options, which mayinclude cancellation of admission. NIIT will not be responsible for anyfinancial damages/claims due to such changes.
Candidateswould not be able to take a break from the program or defer their admission toa later batch, once the batch has started. For any unavoidable reasons, if thebatch has to be changed as per the candidate s requirement, subject toavailability and approval by NIIT, the candidate may have to pay the applicableconvenience charges. In case of a batch change, the days and timings of the newbatch may be different from the current batch and NIIT does not guarantee thesame batch schedule.
Admissionto NIIT programs is open for learners residing in India only.
Foreign nationals residing in India seekingadmission need to upload /email a copy of the Valid Passport, Valid StudentVisa for staying and studying in India, Valid registration with FRRO, andresidential address proof to CustomerCareDigital@niit.com.
Ifplacement service (Job Assurance / Placement Assistance) is a part of theprogram offering, then for foreign nationals, the placement service is subjectto the recruiting organization s acceptance and the candidate having a validwork visa. NIIT is not responsible to arrange a work visa, or any otherrequirements related to the learner s placement, and the Learner will not beeligible for any refund of the program fee.
Incase of any cancellation of the admission, the refund amount (if applicable)will be refunded to the same source account through which the initial fee hasbeen paid.
Theonus of having all the valid documents, submitting the copies of the same toNIIT, and producing the originals on demand, lies solely with the candidate.Noncompliance of the same shall lead to legal consequences as per law.
NIIT, in the best interest of the Candidates, hasenabled loan facilities through 3rd party Finance Companies (Lender). The Loanapproval will be subject to the Learner's meeting the eligibility as determinedby the Lender. The loan facility is applicable for select programs only.
Availingof the loan through the Lender is optional and is a personal choice of thecandidate. Candidates can also register in the program by paying the fullprogram fee without availing of the loan or can avail loan from any other source.
Candidatesavailing of the loan should familiarize themselves with all the terms andconditions (such as the interest rates, EMI amount, moratorium period,foreclosure, etc.,) as applicable from the Lender before availing of the loan.The loan agreement is between the Candidate and the Lender and NIIT has no rolein the Loan Process.
Candidatesavailing of the loan, need to pay the applicable non-refundable booking fee toNIIT within the due date as mentioned in the admission selection letter toreserve the seat in the selected batch.
Balanceprogram fees are to be paid after the loan is processed. Registration to theprogram is confirmed only on payment of the full program fees.
Ifthere is any delay in the loan process, and the registration formalities arenot completed before the last date of admission for the batch, then theCandidate will be accommodated in the next available batch at the time ofregistration. NIIT will not be responsible for any delay in either loanprocessing or loan disbursement.
Ifthe Candidate s loan application is not approved, then the Candidate can paythe balance program fee and register for the program. If the candidate is notable to pay the requisite fee, then he/she can apply for a refund of thebooking fee. The Refund will be processed within 10 working days and the amountwill be credited to the Candidate s bank account. The refund of the booking feeis only possible if the loan is rejected by the Lender and not if the Candidatewants to withdraw the admission offer.
Candidatesavailing of a loan, need to pay the applicable loan processing fee to theLender at the time of loan approval. Candidates should pay their Loan EMIsdirectly to the Lender.
ForLoan closure or cancellation of a loan application, or any dispute related tothe loan, the candidate is required to contact the Lender directly and NIIT hasno role in the same.
TheBooking amount paid is non-refundable and will be forfeited if the registrationprocess is not completed within the due date.
TheLearner can cancel the registration or withdraw from the Program at any time.
Ifthe cancellation request is submitted up to one day before the batch startdate, the Learner is entitled to a full refund after deducting the non-refundablefee, payment gateway charges, and applicable taxes.
Ifthe cancellation request is submitted on or after the batch start date (even ifthe candidate did not attend any sessions and or did not avail of anyservices), there will be no refund applicable.
Ifthe cancellation of registration is due to delay/revision in starting the batch(program) from the scheduled start date or the batch/program is cancelled, thenthe Learner will be eligible for a full program fee refund.
Ifthe Learner decides to discontinue the program after the batch has started,there will be no refund of the program fee already paid. If the Learner hasavailed any loan towards the program fee, the learner will carry the liabilityof repaying the full loan amount. If the Learner wants to foreclose the loan orchange the loan repayment terms, the Learner should contact the lenderdirectly.
ForLearners with Placement Assurance, subject to the Learner completing theprogram successfully and meeting all the Placement requirements, If NIIT is notable to provide a Job offer for the Learner within 90 days of the programcompletion as per the requirements, then NIIT will refund the program fee paid by the Learner afterretaining the non-refundable fee component (booking amount), Salesforce examfee of $300 and any other gateway charges with applicable taxes.
Ifthe Learner is eligible for any refund and the Learner has availed of the loanfacility, then the refund amount will be paid to the Learner after settling theoutstanding loan amount with the Lender. Any refund to the Learner will be madeto the Learner s bank account only.
Therewill be no refund on cancellation of registration due to disciplinary actioninitiated against the Learner.
Theprogram pedagogy follows an outcome-driven, practitioner-designed, immersivemethodology.
Theunique learning cycle Learn →Practice → Apply → Review → Refactor helps learners to learn from correctingtheir mistakes.
TheProgram ensures that the learner acquires the required skills. NIIT believes bycompleting all activities as per the program design; every individual learnerwill acquire the necessary skills to be job ready.
Allmaterials referred to during the program are digital contents and code. Duringthe program duration, learners will have access to the platform to access thedigital content.
AllDigital contents access provided by NIIT is strictly for the use of the Learnerduring the program only and cannot be copied or replicated or electronicallytransmitted or misused in any manner.
Themedium of instruction in the program will be in English only.
Learnersshould abide by the program s academic milestones and all other guidelinesgoverning the execution and completion of the program. The Learner undertakesto put in his best effort towards improving skills and knowledge by learningfrom the registered program.
Theprogram is designed to be completed within the duration mentioned in hours. TheCalendar time in weeks is for reference purposes only. Actual duration is basedon the Batch schedule such as Duration of the Sessions, No. of sessions in aWeek, and other planned / unplanned holidays during the period. Learners shouldrefer to the Batch Schedule available in Learning Management System.
Sincethe program is outcome-driven, the Learner will not be able to move ahead in theprogram until he/she completes the assignments. Therefore, the actual durationof the program would depend on the individual Learner s participative interest,involvement, and timely completion of the assignments/challenges.
Ifthe Learner is not able to show progress as per the batch schedule, then in theinterest of the learner, NIIT may be compelled to transfer the Learner toanother batch or schedule remedial sessions for effective learning. Under sucha situation, there might be a repetition of the previous sessions and theplanned end date of the program will be revised as per the new batch schedule.Any implications on EMIs towards the loan repayment or moratorium period due todelay in completion of the program will be the Learner s responsibility only.
TheLearner must honor the financial obligation even if he/she decides todiscontinue the program at any time.
Learnerswho would need to change the batch, for not keeping pace with the current batchmay have to pay the applicable batch transfer convenience charges.
TheLearner has to participate and complete all the assignments, assessments, andproject work successfully. This may include but is not limited to – quizzes,practice assignments, challenges, summative assignments, time-boundassignments, group discussions, and peer reviews.
TheLearner will be awarded a Certificate, for successful completion of allassignments, assessments, and project work of the program.
TheLearner has to be a Graduate to be awarded the Program Completion Certificate.
Learnerswho do not clear the assessments/assignments and have not met the attendancerequirements will not receive any certificate.
Adigitally verifiable certificate will be provided to the Learners, oncompletion of the program.
Learners will beprovided with one examination voucher each to appear in the ADX 201:Administrative Essentials for New Admins in Lightning Experience and DEX450:Salesforce Certified Platform Developer 1 certification exams and as partof the program.
Ifthe Learner fails to clear the exam on the first attempt, the learner has topay the applicable fee to avail subsequent attempts.
TheLearner has to clear the certification exams (2nos) for availing of any of the placementservices (Placement Assurance or Placement Assistance) no later than one month afterthe program completion.
TheLearner has to submit/upload the certificate copy with NIIT Placement team.
Theexamination is conducted by Kryterion Global testingsolutions. The Learner has to register for the certification exams at www.webassessor.com/salesforce.
NIIThas no role in conducting the certification exams. The certificationexamination vouchers (2nos) provided to the learner has a validity period andusage rules which are governed by Salesforce.com and learner is expected toabide by the same.
Learners not meeting the eligibility criteria willnot be eligible for Placement Services.
Placement Assurance with minimum CTCis applicable for Learners meeting the below criteria only
Graduation | Academic Performance | Age | Vendor Certification* | Cocubes | Min CTC |
BCA, BSC (IT/CS) | ≥ 60% in X, XII, Graduation | <25 | Yes | Yes | 6 LPA |
BE/ BTech (Any Stream) | ≥ 50% in X, XII, Graduation | <25 | Yes | Yes | 6 LPA |
MCA, ME/MTech | ≥ 50% in X, XII, Grad PG | <25 | Yes | Yes | 6 LPA |
* Learner has to necessarily clear the SalesforceCertification exams (2nos) conducted by Salesforce no later than one month afterprogram completion
Placement Assistance is applicablefor Learners not part of Placement Assurance and meeting the below criteria
Graduation | Academic Performance | Age | Vendor Certification* |
BCA, BSC(IT/CS) | ≥ 60% in X, XII, Graduation | ≥ 25 and <28 | Yes |
BE/ BTech (Any Stream) | ≥ 50% in X, XII, Graduation | ≥ 25 and <28 | Yes |
MCA, ME/MTech | ≥ 50% in X, XII, Grad PG | ≥ 25 and <28 | Yes |
* Learner has to necessarily clear the SalesforceCertification exams(2nos) conducted by Salesforce no later than one month afterprogram completion
Career Guidance is applicablefor all Learners whose age is > 28 years
Other rules which are applicable to all:
TheLearner s admission must be within the Program defined Admission norms.
TheLearner must have successfully completed the program.
The Learner has to clear theSalesforce certification exams (2nos) no later than one month after programcompletion. The Learner has to submit/ upload a copy of the Certificate to thePlacement team as a supporting document.
TheLearner must have 100% Attendance in the Placement Engagement Sessions.
TheLearner shall create, update, maintain and share his/her profile/portfoliothrough the digital platforms (such as LinkedIn, GitHub, etc) to NIIT, asrequired for the Placement services.
TheLearner is expected to co-operate with NIIT s placement process in its entirety.
TheLearner shall maintain high standards of integrity, attendance, punctuality,regularity, and participate in the placement process.
NIITshall provide adequate opportunities to the Learner to prepare and appear forthe Interviews and other selection processes, to secure a placement.
TheLearner shall regularly attend the placement preparation modules, clientbriefing sessions, and any other sessions as applicable.
TheLearner shall attend the placement selection process (written test, Interviews,any other stages), anytime and anywhere in India as conducted by theProspective employer at the Learner s own cost (if so required).
Theplacement provided will be anywhere in India. The Learner shall be ready torelocate at their own cost to any location as may be offered by the Prospectiveemployer.
TheLearner shall be provided with Placement opportunities based on their technicalskills, personality attributes, academic performance, etc. that will match withthe Prospective Employer s requirements. Job opportunities in Organizationshaving high cut-off criteria in academic performance will be offered to onlythose Learners who will meet the criteria.
Placementwill be according to the terms of employment as laid down by the ProspectiveEmployer and the Learner has to abide by the same.
TheLearner shall be provided with the Placement Services within 90 days ofsuccessful completion of the program.
NIITshall be deemed to have discharged its obligations regarding Placement Servicetowards a Learner under the following circumstances
· If the Learnerhas received at least one offer letter with minimum CTC or higher as applicablefor the program, from a Prospective Employer
· If the Learneraccepts a placement offer from the Prospective Employer even if it is lowerthan the minimum CTC, considering various other advantages of the employmentoffer
ii. For Placement Assistance:
· If the Learnerhas received at least one offer letter as applicable for the program, from aProspective Employer
· If the Learnerhas been provided with up to a maximum of three selection opportunities,irrespective of the Learner has availed the same or not
iii. For Career Guidance Support:
· NIIT willorganize workshops/sessions on the creation of an online portfolio, LinkedInprofiling, and soft skills for each batch. Learners are informed about theschedule of these events through email. It is the responsibility of theLearners to attend these workshops/sessions and benefit from the same. Once theschedule is communicated to the Learners and the sessions are conducted, theservice is considered as delivered irrespective of the Learner s attendance ornot. There will be no repeat of any of these sessions.
iv. If the Learner voluntarily discontinues/withdrawsfrom the placement services
Non-participationor any other act of non-cooperation with NIIT or with the PartnerOrganization s Selection/Placement process shall lead to the withdrawal of thePlacement services on disciplinary grounds, at NIIT s sole and absolutediscretion.
ForLearners of foreign nationality, the placement service will be subject to theprospective employer accepting the profile and sponsoring the necessary workvisa. NIIT will not guarantee placement assurance or assistance for foreignnationals.
Thelearner will not be entitled to any refund (for Learners with PlacementAssurance only) once NIIT has deemed to have discharged its obligationsregarding Placement Services towards the Learner under any of the abovecircumstances, including the Learner being expelled on disciplinary grounds.
The Learner needs to have their own desktop orlaptop computer (refer to www.niit.com forrequisite configuration), Webcam, Headset with echo cancellation mic, broadbandInternet connectivity with a minimum of 20 MBPS, and Uninterrupted power supplyto join this program.
Registrationto the Program implies that the Learner has the requisite infrastructure as perthe details mentioned in the product webpage/ Program brochure. Not having therequisite hardware and connectivity will affect the learning.
TheLearner is responsible to arrange their own resources (hardware/ software/ connectivity)as required to attend the Program.
TheLearner is fully responsible for the proper functioning of the computerhardware and internet access.
NIITis not responsible for the charges incurred for the usage of hardware,software, or internet services provider fees.
Forthe procurement, installation, upgrade, or troubleshooting of any hardware, theLearners need to contact their own vendors and NIIT is not responsible for thesame.
NIITwill only provide the details of the software required for the Program. It willbe the responsibility of the Learners to arrange for the necessary open-sourceor licensed software and install it on their devices. Not having the requisitesoftware will affect the learning.
Forthe procurement, installation, upgrade, or troubleshooting of any software, theLearners need to contact their own vendors and NIIT is not responsible for thesame.
As part of the program, NIIT will provide access tothe online LMS through www.niit.com portal.
TheLMS will have the facility to attend online sessions, and access to digitallearning materials, session recordings, assignments, and learning plans asapplicable for the program.
Theaccess to the LMS will be for the period of program completion only.
The learner will also beprovided with access to the Salesforce content through Trailhead academy andSalesforce lab environment for a limited period by the Salesforce as per theirpolicy. The learner has to abide by the same. In order to enable the access,the learner gives his consent to NIIT for sharing the learner personal detailswith Salesforce.com
Tokeep the Learner informed and updated about the learning, and other services,NIIT may communicate with the Learner through anyone/or all possible mediumsuch as SMS/Call (@registered mobile number), email (@registered email-ID), orby post (@residential address) or through message center on LMS.
Allsuch communications sent to the Learner are considered acknowledged and read.
It is the responsibility of the Learner to updateany change in their details, by writing to the helpdesk CustomerCareDigital@niit.com.
Learnersshould be aware that by taking admission to any program at NIIT, they havegiven the consent to NIIT to use their personal information which includesmobile number, email id, and residential address for communicating with them atpresent and in the future as well.
Learnerconfirms that laws in relation to the unsolicited communication referred in theNational Do Not Call Registry (the "NDNC Registry") as laid down byTelecom Regulatory Authority of India will not be applicable for suchcommunication, calls, SMS received from NIIT, its employees, agents and/orassociates.
For any grievances, the Learner may write to CustomerCareDigital@niit.com.
Learnersare required to adhere to the norms of discipline and decorum during the OnlineSessions. Non-adherence to the same may result in consequential penal action,which may even include cancellation of Admission.
AnyLearner who is found using unfair means during online examinations, or whiledoing hands-on assignments and assessments, by indulging in activities likecopying, discussions, using technology-based instruments, or other means tocheat, will be debarred from the further continuation of the Program.
Therewill be Zero tolerance toward any form of copying. If there is even a smalldoubt about copying, the mentor may decide not to evaluate the assignmentssubmitted. Mentors decision is final in cases of plagiarism.
Indisciplineshall include, but not be limited to misbehavior, nuisance, brawl, use of foullanguage in the online chat forums, posting objectionable material in theLearning Management System (LMS), use of unfair means at the time ofassessments, being drunk, having consumed narcotics substances, and indulgingin any act or omission which amounts to discouraging / demeaning/ hampering theprogram structure during the Online Sessions.
NIITexpects the Learner to resolve all matters relating to the enrolled program,delivery, fees, scholarship (if any), and placement; directly with NIITdesignated officer. Any attempt to bring any outside influence directly/orindirectly – upon any NIIT authority or NIIT Partner Organization (if any) tofurther impact Learner s interests, in respect of matters pertaining to theassociation with NIIT and NIIT Services with any Partner Organization; wouldamount to a breach of admission contract and academic norms. It would lead todebarring the Learner from availing further services from NIIT and thus willlead to the initiation of appropriate action.
Duringthe course of the Learner s association with NIIT, the Learner will not takepart in any demonstration/agitation against NIIT and its officials for/or onbehalf of any external bodies/political outfits – either as a member or asympathizer. Any act in contravention of the above would be treated asprejudicial to the interest and reputation of the institute leading to theinitiation of appropriate action.
NIITexpects the Learner to notify NIIT officials immediately with the past andcurrent details of any civil or criminal case(s) instituted against the Learnerin any Court of Law or any complaint/show cause notice/prosecution with/by anyPolice Station or by any statutory authority, as also the Learner will notifyany outcome of such complaint to NIIT in writing. Any act in breach of thisterm or suppression of facts would entail initiation of appropriate action asdeemed fit by NIIT/Partner Organization.
Learnersare also supposed to abide by the privacy policy, the terms and conditionsmentioned in the LMS, and NIIT Student App at all times. Any unethical andunprofessional conduct by the Learner shall cause cancellation of admission andforfeiture of the Program fee.
NIITdoes not discriminate or encourage any kind of sexual harassment of womenemployees or Learners. Anyone found in violation of the same will be dealtwith, as per the law.
Candidatesenrolling in the program, confirm the understanding that this program is beingoffered through Online admission and the training is delivered online, and theyare medically fit to undergo the same without any constraints.
Sincethe program is backed with Placement Assurance, the placement of the candidatepost completing the program successfully is subject to the candidate clearingthe medical fitness requirements of the recruiting organization.
Ifthe candidate is unable to clear/satisfy the medical requirements, NIIT willnot be responsible for the placement of the candidate and there will be norefund of the program fee. In such cases, NIIT shall be deemed to havedischarged its obligations towards the learner s placement.
NIITreserves the right to amend, modify, withdraw or substitute any of the termsand conditions without any prior notice.
Thechanges may be necessitated due to NIIT s focus on continuous improvement ofthe processes and services, research and development in the methodologies,pedagogy, technology obsolescence, industry requirements, and statutorycompliances.
Allamendments will be updated in the Terms and Conditions section of the LMS andwill be notified to the Learners for information.
TheLearners would be required to read and abide by the amendments.
As part of my admission to thePost Graduate program in Salesforce Development program offered by NIIT, Ihereby give my consent to NIIT, for sharing my personal details with thethird-party company Salesforce.com Singapore Pte., Ltd., for enabling my accessto their learning platform and other services provided by them. I have noobjection to the salesforce team contacting me by phone, email, and or what sup from time to time to provide the necessary details and updates.
Thecandidate understands that the application form is to be filled by themselvesonly and they are responsible for the correctness and completeness of theinformation provided including the supporting documents uploaded/submitted. Thecandidate also understands and agrees that, if the details provided are foundto be incorrect / misrepresented at any time, the admission will be cancelledand there will be no refund of the fees paid.
A Candidate paying the requisite program fee andregistered for the program confirms that the Candidate / Learner has read,understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions as mentioned inthis document www.niit.com websiteand has not relied on any other oral representation by the NIIT team or any 3rd partyrepresentative.
NIITis not a University/Institute under UGC or AICTE act and does not award any Degreesrecognized under them. NIIT is a Skills and Talent development organizationproviding Industry relevant training programs for aspirants.