The case of Metaverse for next gen education in India

Authored by: Abhishek Arora, EVP and Business Head, Skills and Careers Business, NIIT Ltd

Though the Metaverse may appear to be a difficult concept to grasp, it is one that is rapidly shaping the world's future. Simply put, Metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds in which you can create a digital version of yourself and live as an avatar. The concept of Augmented and Virtual Reality is incorporated into the concept of Metaverse (AR & VR). The metaverse is a place where the physical becomes virtual and the virtual becomes physical through the overlaying of data on physical locations and objects. The physical-virtual divide is actually being dissolved by web 3.0 technologies.

The metaverse's uses and applications are numerous and cannot be defined by any boundary as we know it today. By utilising Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and other related technology, the metaverse is actually bridging the gap between the physical and virtual realms.

Why do we need Metaverse in education?

We have been introduced to a world of limitless innovation and imagination thanks to technological advancements and the introduction of web 3.0. What students learn and how they prepare for the vast opportunities that await them in the future world are critical concerns. As a result, education takes precedence. Technology can now be fully utilised to provide students with real-time experiences due to the introduction of Metaverse.

Metaverse offers an unparalleled immersive experience which can make digital interactions feel more human. It is a medium that enables students to participate fully in a digital classroom setting. Interaction between a teacher and students occurs in an engaging and interactive environment, with all activities occurring in real time. This allows for more engaging learning experiences as well as more effective student participation. Education delivered via the metaverse has the potential to mitigate the negative effects of digitalization by making learning feel more human and connected.

The metaverse's educational capabilities are a clear indication of how it can improve education. AI and VR-based education provides both theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as the ability to concretely solve abstract problems. It enables immersive learning and aids in the development of operational skills. By making learning more enjoyable and active, this teaching method increases student participation in class.

While the use cases of metaverse in education are multifold, some of the keyways in which it can be useful to the sector are as follow:

  • To begin with, the metaverse provides immersive experiences that are completely effortless.
  • Aside from that, metaverse can improve the chances of combining multiple subjects in a single learning environment, resulting in more holistic learning experiences.
  • Using the metaverse, education can also be made more liberal, and learners can create and share their own experiences, as well as design learning experiences that increase freedom and flexibility in learning.

While the new age technologies of AI and VR and the impact that they can have on the overall education ecosystem through the use case application in the metaverse remain a revolution in the waiting, equally important is the awareness and skilling of the talent pool in these technologies. It is critical for the workforce to be equipped with these in-demand skills and be a part of the next big thing in the world and in education. Here, it is important for organizations to keep propelling the system with courses designed to boost skills in these domains. Recently, NIIT also reinvented and modified its courses to meet the needs of the industry with its NIIT Digital platform that provides new age, deep skilling, online and instructor-led tech courses in these up and coming domains.

At last, experts believe that, as long as the metaverse adheres to the best principles for learning, it has the potential to transform how lessons are taught and learnt. Learning in the metaverse has the potential to connect learners from all over the world and empower them to interact in meaningful ways, all while providing unprecedented accessibility. By simulating everything, learning can become more interactive and impactful.

Metaverse is the next step in the evolution of technology-enabled education, allowing for a more engaging learning experience. It is a place with a lot of potential for the industry. Metaverse provides immersive and interactive experiences for learners from all over the world. It is the virtual, collaborative, and task-oriented nature of the metaverse that allows students to learn without even realizing it while also making it enjoyable for them.


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