What are the concepts every Java programmer must know


What are the concepts every Java programmer must know

Beginning afresh with Java? Take note of these concepts.

Article · 6 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

How Good Is Java for Mobile Game Development?

Mobile App Development

How Good Is Java for Mobile Game Development?

Java plays an all-essential role and continues to be prominent in the mobile app development industry.

· 7 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

Would Java Get You a Job in the Future?

Banking and Finance

Would Java Get You a Job in the Future?

FYI - Java still ranks as a top priority for corporate recruiters in the IT industry!

Industry Updates · 6 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

Building an app from scratch using Java

Software Development

Building an app from scratch using Java

Build your first app on Java using this hands-on tutorial

Article · 8 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

How to Build a Chatbot Using Java


How to Build a Chatbot Using Java

Chatbots have overtaken digital communication channels with swift query resolution, learn how to design one on your own

Article · 7 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

How to Create a GUI with Java


How to Create a GUI with Java

Follow the steps and take no more than 15 minutes to create your GUI with Java

Article · 8 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

An Easy Machine Learning Example in Java

Artificial Intelligence

An Easy Machine Learning Example in Java

You would have heard of Python for Machine Learning, but do you know Java is equally useful in this field. Here's an example to elaborate!

Article · 6 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

How to do game development in Java

Game Development

How to do game development in Java

Non-mainstream game advancement organizations use Java for creating multiple games, and you can do that too!

Article · 8 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial

How to add Sound to Game Using Java

Game Development

How to add Sound to Game Using Java

This article will focus on adding sound to games like the background music, the sound of bouncing of a ball and the sound of “GAME OVER” in a funny voice at the end of the game.

Article · 7 minutes · By  NIIT Editorial