L&D Outsourcing Opportunities

When it comes to learning outsourcing, one size doesn’t fit all. You need to explore different models and select the one that works best for your organization.

Determining the Scope for L&D Outsourcing

Once you have made the business case for L&D outsourcing, scoping outsourcing opportunities is a vital step in your journey to a successful L&D outsourcing partnership. While determining what to outsource and what to keep inhouse can be challenging, a good place to start is by considering what processes you can completely outsource, those that you can partially outsource and the ones where you can share responsibility with your L&D outsourcing partner… Read more

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Opportunities for
Learning Outsourcing

The following chart outlines the typical opportunities for outsourcing based on our experience:

Curriculum Management and Content Development

Design & Development of Bespoke Courses
  • Instructional Design, Development Across Modalities
  • Project Management, Maintenance, Localization
Curriculum Design for Pivotal Programs
  • Performance Consulting
  • Pivotal Roles
  • Strategic Initiatives
Curriculum Architecture for Academies
  • Definition
  • Ongoing Maintenance
  • Analysis
  • Reengineering

Proprietary Delivery

Instructors and Schedule
  • Instructor Provisioning
  • Instructor Management
  • Schedule Management
Facilities and Partners
  • Facilities Provisioning
  • Facilities Partner Management
Quality and Materials
  • Materials Fulfilment
  • Delivery Quality Management

Learning Administration

Core Administration Services
  • LMS Administration
  • Training Event Coordination (ILT, vILT)
Local Session Services
  • Classroom Setup, Meet & Greet
  • Hospitality
  • Evaluation Collection
Strategic Services
  • Demand Planning & Consulting
  • Driving Strategic Initiatives (e.g., Rollout)

Strategic Sourcing

Vendor Management
  • Administration, Fulfillment
  • Purchase Orders
  • Payments, Etc.
Procurement & Sourcing​
  • New Needs
Portfolio Administration
  • Demand Planning & Consulting
  • Driving Strategic Initiatives (E.g., Rollout)

On the Fence about L&D Outsourcing?


Learning outsourcing playbook
The Learning Outsourcing Playbook

In this playbook, we share some examples of successful partnerships, business models, and impact with NIIT.

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What do companies outsource?

What are L&D organizations really outsourcing? Download our infographic to learn more.

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Five Things to Consider When Selecting an MLS Partner

These potential benefits of outsourcing can only be achieved by choosing the right service provider. Here are 5 key considerations for selecting an ideal Managed Learning Service provider.

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Six benefits of Learning Outsourcing

Discover the six benefits companies can expect when they outsource some activities in their L&D value chain to a committed partner.

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