
Our perspective on learning and talent development trends.

Closing the Skills Gap With Technology and Telecom Training and L&D
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Remote Training & Development: Solutions for Remote Teams
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Closing the Skills Gap with Oil, Gas, and Mining Training and L&D
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The Role of Gamification in Training and Development
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Closing the Skills Gap with Insurance Training and L&D
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Embracing VR Training in Corporate Environments
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4 Strategies to Maximize Your Training ROI
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The Four Stages of Generative AI for Learning
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developing leaders
Why a Managed Learning Service is Best for Developing Leaders
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Driving Employee Engagement with Personalized Learning
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new hire orientation
Best Practices for New Hire Orientation & Training
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The Role of Microlearning in DEI Training
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Corporate Learning
When to Outsource Corporate Learning
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The Secret to Creating Engaging Compliance Training for Employees
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closing the skills gap
Closing the Skills Gap with Managed Learning Services Partner
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Top 6 Learning and Development Trends for 2024
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Implications of a Skill-Based Talent Strategy on Adaptable Organization Design
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Navigating Challenges and Benefits of a Skills-Based Talent Strategy
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When It Isn't One Size Fits All, Go Hybrid!
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The Benefits of Global Managed Learning Services in an Economic Downturn
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Is your L&D Organization Addressing the Total Cost of Learning?
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How Games Drive Learning
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Diversity Training: Everyone’s Investing—But is it Really Working?
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Achieving Growth Through Leadership Development
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E=MC5: Redefining the Learner Experience
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Enabling 70-20-10 Through Learning Technology 
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Learning Pathways for your Time-Starved Learners
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Three Reasons an Army of Trainers Won’t Win the War
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Top Veeva Training Mistakes Every Pharma CLO Should be Aware of 
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Is Your Organization Ready for the Talent Crunch?
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NIIT Foundation Educational Programs
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Pushing the Boundaries With an Immersive Approach to Learning
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5 Trends that will Humanize the Future of Learning
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Sourcing Xchange: Optimizing Sourcing Using Technology
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There's a BOT for That
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Why Nfinity by NIIT Standardized on Unity 3D
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Compulsion Loops and Addictive Training Games
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Decoding the New Generations: How Millennials & Gen Z Learn
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The Secret Sauce to Maximizing Adoption
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Robotic Process Automation in Learning Operations
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Harvard Prof Stops Lecturing, Embraces Peer-to-Peer
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Trainer Diaries - An Introduction
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The New Workforce: Is Your Organization Ready for the Gig Economy?
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Four Challenges to Consider for Global Application Training Rollouts
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Five Things to Consider When Selecting an MLS Partner
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The Truth About Telling
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Revelations about Experience Design
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Technology Enables Great Learning Experiences – What Assures Them?
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5 Marketing Strategies That Can Drive Learner Engagement
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At the Cusp of Transformation: Outsourcing as an Accelerator for L&D
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