Customer Education

Elevate customer success and learner experience while improving margins and profitability.

Redefining Customer Education
in a Disrupted World

As education models evolve, and companies look to migrate to new business models such as Xaas, customer education organizations need to find sustainable ways to improve customer adoption and grow education services revenue. In a disrupted world, you need a partner who can help you navigate the complex state of customer education today and elevate customer success while preserving margins and growing profitability.

We understand the importance of customer education to drive technology adoption in a world that is constantly on the lookout for the “next big thing”. Our portfolio of customer education services helps technology companies elevate customer success and learner experience while improving margins and profitability even as technology continues to transform.

Align Customer Training with Digital Imperatives

In a rapidly transforming digital landscape, it is critically important to align customer training with your organization’s digital imperatives. Our team of customer education experts helps you develop a dedicated digital roadmap and strategy to align business goals and digital imperatives with education services. We then develop digital learning assets including a digital platform that acts as a delivery vehicle for training. Our dedicated team provides training delivery and administration as well as sales support to maximize adoption. We also augment content development with domain and subject matter experts to provide more value to your customers.

Enhance Learner Experience

With an increasingly digitally savvy customer base, organizations can no longer provide a suboptimal learner experience. That’s why our team of customer education experts helps you align and review the customer’s overall digital experience with education touchpoints for a seamless customer experience. By developing micro-learning nuggets to support learning in the flow of work, we increase engagement for learners who are hard pressed for time. We also utilize immersive learning, gamification and badging for an enhanced and stimulating learning experience. Our ultra-personalized Learning Experience Platform with customized learning journeys is designed to enhance customer learning experience.

Accelerate Time to Market for Training

Now, more than ever organizations need to accelerate time to market for training. We help you uncover gaps in product perception and address them effectively through rapid training development. We believe that organizations can greatly benefit from not throwing the kitchen sink when it comes to learning content. By designing training content that is relevant to learners, you can develop and deploy content faster. It is also important to align training with professional services to build agile learning journeys that align with overall customer experience. Finally, we deliver value by designing content mapped to customer business goals such as enhanced productivity and faster time to competence.

Maximize Adoption

The final measure of the effectiveness of any technology or product depends on the rate at which it is adopted by your customers. Our Adoption-Focused Methodology is firmly rooted in behavior change to drive your targeted business outcomes. We help your customers maximize value from learning, by investing in desired outcomes, not every exhaustive outcome. Through strategies based on the science of how people learn, we maximize learn-by-doing, and minimize teach-by-telling. With a methodology that equips learners with the skills, tools, and beliefs to transform ways of working, we focus on changing what people do, not just changing what they know.

Improve Profitability

With subscription-based models taking precedence in a XaaS world, maintaining profitability is critical to your customer education business. As companies transition to XaaS models, we help you increase market share by servicing a broader audience worldwide. It is also important to reduce overall costs and minimize overheads. Our centralized Content Center of Excellence helps you reduce content development costs by 25%. We also improve trainer productivity by 30% by leveraging domain capability. By implementing tech administration with a tech backbone, we help you reduce logistical costs by 50%.

Strengthen Customer Education Operations

A successful customer education initiative needs to be backed by rock-solid operations. Through process excellence and the implementation of best practices, we help you strengthen training operation throughout the value chain. Our real-time data insights and dashboards along with water-tight SLAs increase management visibility for data-driven decision making. Through a meticulous cycle of careful demand planning and execution, we help you deliver seamless learning experiences to your customers. Our operational capability offers continuous improvement where it matters most so that your customers can maximize benefits from your products, technology, and services.

Customer Education Examples

365% ROI on Training Over Three Years

Discover how the world’s largest Open-Source provider realized 365% ROI on training over three years with NIIT’s learning delivery services spanning 80 cities in seven languages for 27K+ learners.

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Technology & Telecom
Accelerating 5G Certifications

A leading telecom company could effectively rollout new certifications for 5G technology with a scalable global delivery model powered by NIIT.

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Scaling Learning Delivery for Education Services

NIIT has helped a leading automation company build a comprehensive digital learning roadmap and strategy for customer education across 15 countries with improved service levels.

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Discover How We Can Transform Customer Education for Your Organization Today​

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The Secret Sauce to Maximizing Adoption

We believe that the right software is only half the recipe for success. So, what really goes into the secret sauce for maximizing adoption? We believe that this recipe has many ingredients.

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Customer Education

Our portfolio of customer education services helps technology companies elevate customer success and learner experience while improving margins and profitability even as technology continues to transform.

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A Comprehensive Customer Education Services Portfolio

Our comprehensive portfolio of customer education services includes a robust combination of custom content development, learning delivery, learning administration, and learning technology

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Four Challenges to Consider for Global Application Training Rollouts

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