Learning Consulting Services

Learning Strategies with Implementation Expertise to Deliver Impact

A Team of World-Class Learning Consultants

Today's learning organizations are experiencing profound changes and there has rarely been more pressure to deliver outcomes. Many learning consultants offer learning strategies, but we believe that any strategy is only as good as its impact. When we recommend a strategy, we will partner with you to implement the strategy. Our partnership with our clients leaves nothing to chance.

Our seasoned team brings relevant and timely insights from their own experiences across a wide variety of clients and industries. NIIT's Consulting & Advisory Services share your ambitions and look forward to being your trusted partner.

Talent Strategy and Business Alignment

Future-proofing your organization has never been more critical. We help clients chart their course with strategic workforce planning and proven talent strategies that help manage the future, not merely respond to it. Roadmaps, skills & competency analysis, and sourcing strategies will help you attract and retain key talent and align it to key business requirements.

Talent Acquisition

It is difficult to acquire the talent you need without understanding how they support critical business requirements. A misaligned acquisition strategy can be an expensive mistake. We help align your talent sourcing strategy to support and develop new talent pools to meet business requirements, helping you pivot to a scalable “build, borrow, or buy” approach to acquiring talent.

Learning Transformation

Continuous improvement is essential for every learning organization. Our comprehensive services & proven strategies span all internal/external needs around learning transformation. Our team has supported transformation efforts by implementing new organization models & related governance, modernizing & simplifying processes/standards, streamlining curricula, and helping transition to an updated operating model.

Employee and Learner Experience

Do the learning experiences you provide employees give them a reason to come back? Many learning organizations are asking this question and may be surprised at the answer. We help with modern and efficient approaches to the many factors that impact learner engagement, with strategies and approaches to drive the learner experience. Positive learning experiences are critical to accelerating and impacting your talent’s performance.


Positive learning experiences are critical to accelerating and impacting the success of today’s leader. Our approaches help in identifying & developing high potential leaders, succession planning for the needs of tomorrow, and building leader-based team development models. This drives leadership development at all levels of your organization.

Talent and Learning Technology

Organizations are looking to design and deploy learning technology ecosystems that help leverage existing investments while integrating new, more effective learning technologies. Our clients often need assistance in navigating through the many tools and platforms available in the market. We offer best-in-class analysis, RFP support and evaluation, and recommendations to enhance the learning experience.

Our Comprehensive Services and Proven Strategies Deliver a 360-Degree View of Learning Transformation Including Internal and External Training Needs.

This includes skill upgradation, new organizational and operational models and their related governance, technology, and other associated areas. We also support organizations in defining and creating open talent markets and new career models, resulting in skills development and capability building programs to directly support business needs.

Comprehensive Learning Consulting Services

Talent Strategy and Business Alignment
  • Future of Work Analysis & Planning
  • Enterprise Skills & Capabilities ​
  • Capability Clouds & Career Paths ​
  • Re-skilling & Upskilling Solutions ​
  • D&I Journeys & Programs
Talent Acquisition
  • Internal Talent Marketplace ​
  • Build, Borrow & Buy Strategy ​
  • New Hire Onboarding
Learning Transformation
  • L&D Organization
  • Learning Analytics
  • Portfolio Transformation
  • Learning in the Flow of Work
  • Academies and Capability Institutes
  • Learning Benchmarking
Employee and Learner Experience
  • Performance Management Models
  • Cultural Transformation
  • Transforming Employee Experience ​
  • Engagement Models
  • Leadership Development Journeys and Curricula
  • High Potential Programs
  • Coaching & Mentoring Programs
  • Succession Models and Approach
Talent and Learning Technology
  • Learning Technology Ecosystem  
  • Digital L&D Readiness Assessment  
  • Learning Technology RFP Management

Proven L&D Corporate Training Consultants

Banking and Financial Services
Significant Savings With Portfolio Transformation

NIIT has helped a leading global bank optimize the overall learning portfolio size by leveraging NIIT’s Portfolio Transformation model. This reduction in size of the portfolio would lead to savings to the tune of 46 million over a period of three years, when implemented.

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Life Sciences
From a Decentralized to Federated Learning Operating Model

NIIT helped a leading pharmaceutical company transition from a highly fragmented learning organization that utilized 27 different learning management systems to one learning management system through a federated, central university model with regional hubs.

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Enabling Learning in the Flow of Work

NIIT created a blended, micro-learning program that would help the sales team learn in the flow of work through case studies in the form of episodic anecdotes in an engaging multimedia format. The sales of the product line tripled after microlearning.

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Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
Bespoke leadership programs for a leading consumer goods company while optimizing costs

NIIT ensured high-quality and consistent training experience globally while reducing 35 percent cost on delivering one of the programs which enabled the company to expand the reach and scope of training.

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Transform Your Learning Function With a Team of Consultants

That Supports You From Strategy to Implementation.


At the Cusp of Transformation: Outsourcing as an Accelerator for L&D

Today, most L&D organizations are at the cusp of transformation. Their two options are quite clear: The first is to maintain status quo and deal with the possibility of becoming redundant. The second option is to rapidly transform and develop the ability to respond to dynamic business needs with high agility.

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Adaptive Learning Organizations

NIIT and Josh Bersin Academy’s Adaptive Learning Organizations report found that adaptive learning organizations drive greater business and talent value than underperforming organizations at lower costs with better business outcomes.

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Measuring the Impact of Learning Portfolio Transformation

As L&D functions are transforming from demand-driven to value-driven entities, the focus is shifting from managing catalogs to measuring value delivered. Driven by this shift in focus, many L&D leaders are re-evaluating their learning portfolios. 

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Enabling 70-20-10 through Learning Technology

In many organizations, employee learning broadly follows the 70/20/10 learning model. How can learning technology help you enable 70% of the learning that happens on the job while performing regular tasks?

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