DEI Training

Create lasting change through effective learning solutions
designed to transform behaviors and mindsets.

Lasting Change through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training

We are at a critical and transformational cultural moment when it comes to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Despite these positive advances, many solutions out there don’t meet the need for effective DEIB for a variety of reasons.
We understand that the tick-the-box approach that has garnered popularity doesn’t realistically challenge or educate learners on the nuances of DEIB issues and conversations. That’s why our DEIB training solutions are built to create lasting change.

DEIB Training that Challenges Learners

Learners often encounter training that doesn’t realistically challenge them to get out of their comfort zone. There’s no clear education that helps them distinguish between expected responses versus meaningful behavioral change. Our approach to DEIB training is designed to challenge existing behaviors and mindsets and trigger difficult conversations to address the real issues that often get brushed under the carpet.

Training that Solves DEI Fatigue

While the cultural moment we find ourselves in is increasingly urgent and ever evolving, tick-the-box, annual diversity training has left its mark on the workplace. Our solution moves away from this one and done approach to a continuous approach that reinforces lasting behavior change and evolves with the changing DEIB landscape.

DEIB Training vs. Social Conditioning

We’re hearing meaningful aspirations and insightful questions about what organizations hope to achieve, but traditional training doesn’t necessarily set them up to do so. A 30-minute training module alone cannot adequately address decades of social conditioning: it needs to be effectively and meaningfully tied to the context of larger, strategic goals, with leadership buy-in and modelling.

DEIB Solutions for Lasting Behavioral Change

If there is anything we have proven over the past few decades, it’s that our solutions are geared toward creating lasting change. We know what does and doesn’t work and bring that to our solutions in DEIB.

Proprietary, Learn by Doing Pedagogy

We bring a relevant point of view that emphasizes interactive, engaging learning experiences and even more: we use design thinking to put forward realistic, “grey” ethical scenarios and consequences, conducive to key topics like microaggressions and allyship.

Excellent Facilitation to Achieve Equality

Our facilitation network brings experience in relevant areas like culturally sensitivity and competency, in addition to extensive content expertise in diversity and inclusion topics. We can apply proven practices to DEIB items like Inclusion Circles.

Custom, Scenario-Based and Immersive DEI Solutions

The latest research shows the most effective DEIB solutions for empathy and battling unconscious bias are simulations and VR experiences, due to psychologically safe practice. We bring unparalleled expertise to apply to complex topics like intersectionality.

World Class UX to Support an Inclusive Workplace

Research also shows learners have DEIB “tick the box fatigue.” We know the UX Experience changes what you feel that you are able to say and do. Our UX Design Team can ensure that our courses and assets are engaging, easy to use, and in line with relevant use cases and best design practices.

Transformative DEI Consulting & Advisory

Our strategic consulting emphasizes learning and business alignment to empower organizations with measurable impact. We can ensure your DEIB initiatives meet their values, priorities, and targeted measurements for desired outcomes.

Values Aligned with DEIB Needs

We have always been grounded in the idea that NIIT is People. Since our inception in 1981, we follow ideals that guide our own DEIB initiatives and bring the same passion and commitment to DEIB initiatives to our clients.

Diversity and Inclusion Success Stories

Banking and Financial Services
Authentic Stories for Lasting Change

NIIT created an award-winning video-based course that teaches a leading financial services company’s DEI values through a series of authentic stories.

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Public Sector
Accessibility and Inclusion

A leading railway network engaged NIIT to design and develop a set of videos with animation about challenges faced by real passengers with disabilities.

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Immersive Empathy Training

NIIT partnered with a leading insurance company to create an interactive experience that helps employees learn to empathize with customers who have been found liable for damages they do not believe they should have to pay.

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Discover how we can Transform DEIB Training for your Organization Today

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Anti-Harassment Training

NIIT designed and developed a comprehensive set of 360-degree, interactive video modules to challenge unconscious biases by allowing learners to play through various sexual harassment situations.

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Customer Education

Our portfolio of customer education services helps technology companies elevate customer success and learner experience while improving margins and profitability even as technology continues to transform.

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Diversity training: Everyone’s investing—but is it really working?

Everyone’s talking about DEI being good for productivity, company culture, and the bottom line. But when companies invest in DEI training today, are they really making a difference or are they missing an opportunity to align DEI with business strategy?

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The Essential Elements of Psychological Safety Plus

Psychological Safety Plus is our guiding strategy that translates to actual, concrete steps taken to co-create psychological safety for all involved.

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