This article is about Programming
Why Full Stack Developers Stand Out?
By NIIT Editorial
Published on 10/06/2020
9 minutes
In terms of technology, a stack is the list of all services used to build the infrastructure or application. Qualified software engineers mostly specialize in either building client-side applications or server-side software. With limited specialization and the use of services the stack, they specialize in remains limited. However, a Full Stack Developer has validated knowledge of creating client-side and server-side software. They work on the following stacks:
- Front End Technologies
- Back End Technologies
- Development Languages
- Database
- Server
- Application Programming Interface
- Controlling Systems
The IT world stands divided on whether Full Stack Developers are as prized roles as publicized. Critics of this profile point to the fact that there is a difference between knowing all technologies and mastering them. Nevertheless, Full-Stack developers hold solid ground in interviews.
What are the Job Responsibilities of Full Stack Developer?
- Contribute to creating client-side and server-side applications.
- Mediate with cross-functional development teams to come up with software solutions.
- Maintain uptime for databases and applications.
- Produce APIs and maintain code repositories on GitHub for version control.
- Run routine tests and report troubleshooting instances.
- Proactively debug and upgrade software applications.
- Suggest security measures to safeguard critical business data and mitigate exposure to hacking vulnerabilities.
- Maintain technical documentation for software architecture and design.
Skill Sets Required to Be a Full Stack Developer
The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are an integral core to create dynamic web pages. Think of HTML as the cementing layer, which defines the structure of the page. It is used for the following purposes:
- Creating headings, texts, lists, etc. in an online document and publishing it.
- Fetch re-directional information through hypertext links.
- We use this language for our day to day online action points such as ordering products, conducting hassle-free transactions with third-party services and even searching for information online.
- HTML enables a user to include audio/video clippings and even Excel spreadsheets along with other applications as part of online documents.
A developer uses markup to describe the structure of the page. Subsequently, HTML elements are used to tag and classify sections of the page such as “tables”, “lists” etc.
CSS, at the same time, is used to create the layout of web pages/applications while defining features such as fonts and colors. It allows developers to incorporate auto-adjusting features for multi-device compatibility for desktop and mobile. The fact that CSS works independently of HTML makes it ultra-useful in creating and maintaining websites.
Programming Languages Required to be a Full Stack Developer
Full Stack development requires you to be good at front end development, of which JavaScript is a crucial part.
- JavaScript is used to add interactivity to web pages.
- Web developers can embed videos, animations, and other dynamic facets that increase user engagement.
- In addition to being a key front end, programming language JavaScript Is also used to create web and server applications running in the backend.
- JavaScript-based frameworks like React and Phonegap assist in mobile application development.
JavaScript is native to the web browser and is easy to learn for beginners. It runs on the principles of ECMAScript, using it is as a foundation and introduces advanced features such as atomic operations and asynchronous functions to differentiate from the rest of ECMAScript languages.
Factoring in all of the above, JavaScript is easily one of the best programming languages to learn not just beginners but also Full Stack aspirants.
TypeScript was created to complement JavaScript to add surplus features to the latter.
- It is an open-source language that makes it easier for readers to comprehend, and modify JavaScript code.
- It is coupled with JavaScript to activate features such as type checking as a result of which debugging becomes much easier.
- TypeScript is synchronized to support the latest browsers as its code is compiled with ES5 and ES6 standards.
- Supports static typing and saves crucial development time by identifying code errors before program runtime.
As a superset of JavaScript, it works seamlessly with optional and REST parameters as well.
Python has a low learning curve for beginners and as a computing language being applied to statistical analysis, is in high demand. Full Stack development or not, anyone with the programming expertise of it is in good demand these days.
- Python is used for GUI-based applications especially for processing images and running computational, mathematical analysis.
- Thanks to third-party modules in the Python Package Index, Python can interoperate with most, if not all, programming languages.
- The code is English-like which makes comprehension easy.
- Its libraries have pre-scripted, advanced programming actions, which reduces code volume and makes testing and debugging faster.
- You can use and distribute Python for commercial purposes as it was developed under an OSI-approved open source license.
With advanced object-oriented protocols, unit testing frameworks, and text processing functionalities, Python would be a tool that adds a competitive edge to any Full Stack developers’ profile.
Front End Frameworks Required by Full Stack Developers
The front end is the first touchpoint between the customer and business and it includes both the software and hardware components that are part of the user interface. Referred to as client-side, the front end refers to all the possible forms of engagement between users and the website. We’ve already discussed hot HTML, CSS, and JavaScript impact this area, it is now time to identify frameworks that help developers chisel their craft.
It is a JavaScript-based framework that simplifies coding interactive, design-rich UI.
- Its small size, 18 – 21 KB, is its greatest advantage where downloaders can install the framework in little-to-no time and begin working on it.
- You can use VueJS to store and segregate your data. Due to its easy integration architecture users have the flexibility to add to ongoing projects at any stage of the system development lifecycle.
- Developers find it an easy job to create trending web applications with features like directives and computed properties.
- 2-Way Data Binding permits two-sided communication i.e. if you change the data, it would automatically reflect in the user interface and vice versa.
ReactJs is maintained by Facebook which lays the groundwork for the things to expect from it. It is an open-source JavaScript-based library that can add life to any User Interface.
- You can create simple-looking yet efficient views using ReactJS and the framework will automatically update the components if and when you update your data.
- ReactJS has numerous reusable components, each being associated with a unique logic. Being recyclable, they help developers maintain code with large scale projects.
- The framework follows linear directional data flow, i.e. one-way data binding that allows you solid control in the application. In case the data flow was to be multi-directional, then that would require developers to create additional features. In other words, such an architectural design adds to its efficiency.
- It has been seen that ReactJS fares better against other frameworks out there. The credit for this performance optimization is accredited to a platform-hybrid API a.k.a. Virtual DOM which allows ReactJs to exchange data with HTML, XML, and XHTML.
Backend Frameworks
The back end refers to the server-side which powers all the software. It consists of servers, applications, and databases.
- It is a server-side platform that is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 Engine.
- Node.js uses asynchronous APIs which means a Node.js-backed server will not wait for an Application Programming Interface (API) to return data.
- It consumes less time for executing the code being built on Google Chrome’s V8 Engine.
- It is the go-to choice for developers to write Single Page Applications, Data Streaming Applications, and I/O bound Applications.
Django is a Python-based framework that is maintained by the Django Software Foundation. It was released in 2005 and is trusted by thousands of developers worldwide for steadfast and clean web development.
- Django allows for well-defined documentation of your project. Since 2005, it is one area where the Django framework is head and shoulders above the rest.
- It is scalable, a feature that is leveraged by some of the largest used applications in the world such as Instagram.
- The framework comes pre-loaded with libraries that make common web development tasks a piece of cake. Such tasks could include user authentication, RSS feed, and content administration to name some.
- Due to its high versatility, Django can be applied to build applications for multiple domains. For instance, you can use it to create content management systems, social networking websites, and even computing platforms for high-end calculations.
RESTful Services and APIs
API stands for Application Programming Interface and is the code that allows two programs (web services, applications) to interoperate. REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is an architecture style that has a set of rules to create an API. Any API that is created on such rules is referred to as RESTful APIs or REST APIs.
- REST APIs are highly scalable because they are stateless. This means that while referring to it, you must categorize and define the type of data that you are using. As the REST API does not memorize data, it is considered scalable.
- As an API architectural style, REST fits well into the taste of developers with different tastes. Whether you use JSON or XML, REST APIs are compatible with both.
- Another reason why REST is the preferred style for APIs is that they point out error messages to developers. The feature draws attention to the area of concern and allows remediation.
Database Management System (DBMS)
It is a software system that is designed to manage databases. It is due to the presence of a DBMS, that users can manufacture, read, update and eventually delete the data from a database. In other words, the DMBS acts as a mediating layer between users and the database, managing the data.
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Such databases store and let a user access data that are related to each other, hence the name ‘relational’. They represent data in a tabulated form where each row denotes a record with a unique ID and the columns store the attributes, characteristics of the data. If you aspire to be a Full Stack Engineer, you must be proficient in at least one commercial Relational Database Model.
MySQL is one of the most popular RDBMSs out there. It is founded on the Structured Query Language i.e. SQL, which is also a popular mainstay amongst database developers for managing records in a table. Another reason for its widespread enterprise use is that it is open-source and free to use.
- MySQL consists of a security layer that acts as a wedge between critical data and malicious attacks. It also encrypts passwords for better protection.
- Multi-threading makes MySQL scalable so much so, that it can take up almost 50 million rows of data.
- It is considered superlatively fast at the same time having embedded applications making MySQL superfast.
- Developers who use MySQL report a rise in productivity as features such as Triggers, views, and procedures aid in managing data efficiently.
This RDBMS supports JSON for non-relational queries and SQL for relational queries. PostgreSQL is open-source and categorized as an object-oriented database management system (ORDBMS). It has quite a few features that accredit reliability to the software.
- It is a cross-platform RDBMS that operates effectively on commercially used operating systems such as Linux, Unix, Windows, and macOS.
- PostgreSQL is highly flexible and seamlessly accommodates programming languages ranging from Python, Ruby, Java, C, and C++.
- This system was designed to be extensible so that developers can define unique data types, functional languages, etc.
- If users do not find the default offering of the system friendly, they can create a custom plugin and thereby suffice their requirements.
Version Control Systems
Knowledge of requisite version control systems lets developers keep a repository of the changes and updates made to the software. In case of an emergency, if need be, it lets you analyze the history of the code and see where discrepancies began to emerge. For Full Stack Developers, it is advised to have knowledge of Git that is an open-source, distributed version control system.
PGP in Full-Stack Product Engineering
A Full Stack Developer profile accords a superlative air of confidence to engineers. In line with the industry demand for such talented professionals, NIIT offers its PGP in Full-Stack Product Engineering. Tailored to industry standards, students are trained through online sessions in this 22-week long immersive program. Hands-on project assignments, faculty-led interview preparation classes, and the eventual placement assistance cast a safety net on the careers of incumbents.
PGP in Full Stack Software Engineering
Gain expertise in front-end, back-end, web development, application development and software development technologies at different levels, which provides an edge over others in the extremely demanding field of software development. Start with a CTC of guaranteed Rs 5 LPA*
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